2007-03-16 International MeetingY.Higuchi announced at WCNC 2007 held in Hong Kong.
2007-02-19 International MeetingWe participated in International Society ISSCC 2007 and visited companies in Silicon Valley.
2007-01-24 International MeetingK.Kawakami made an announcement at ASP - DAC 2007 held in Yokohama.
2007-01-11 International MeetingM.Shinji announced at RWS 2007 held in Long Beach.
2006-11-29 HonorsHiroki Noguchi received the Best Poster Award at the 10th LSI Workshop.
2006-11-14 International MeetingM1 T.Iinuma announced at International Conference IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC 2006).
2006-10-17 International MeetingJ.Miyakoshi presented at VLSI-SoC 2006 held in France.
2006-10-11 International MeetingM.Ichien, T.Takeuchi, T.Matsuda announced at ICCE 2006 held in Vietnam.
2006-10-04 International MeetingH.Fujiwara announced at ISLPED 2006 held in Germany.
2006-08-14 International MeetingT.Aonishi announced at ICPP 2006 held in Columbus.